Football report trends

Football report trends

Everything you need to know about the Football industry in one place.

The latest findings of our annual survey of finance directors can be found in our latest Football Finance Directors Report 2022. Previous editions of the report are available below.

Football Finance Directors Report 2021

In this report we look into how COVID-19 impacted the finances of football clubs, such as clubs having to play without fans in empty stadiums.

Download Football Finance Directors Report 2021

Football Finance Directors Report 2020

In this report we surveyed football FDs during the height of COVID-19 to understand the financial health and operations of football clubs across the English leagues.

Download Football Finance Directors Report 2020

Football Finance Directors Report 2019

Although economic conditions are not at all unfavourable, this year’s report shows an underlying sense of rising discontent as market disruptors continue to threaten long-term stability for many clubs. 

Download Football Finance Directors Report 2019

Football Finance Directors Report 2018

This report is about the financial health and operations of football clubs across the English and Scottish leagues, with an insight into the top priorities and concerns of these football clubs, as well as commentary on how they are responding to developments in the game.

Download Football Finance Directors Report 2018

Football Finance Directors Report 2017

This Report is about the financial health operations of the football clubs in the main leagues and the Scottish Premier League, but we also explain what the financial information tells us about the priorities and the futures of football clubs. The report tells you what the people who are running the finances of football clubs are thinking and worrying about.

Download Football Finance Directors Report 2017

Football Finance Directors Report 2016

The 2016 edition of BDO’s Annual Survey of Football Finance Directors Report provides a unique insight into the issues affecting football clubs both on and off the pitch. In this report we examine how enhanced 2016-19 English Premier League (EPL) broadcasting rights are expected to impact on clubs finances and analyse a shift in investor behaviour.

Download Football Finance Directors Report 2016 

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