Tax Assurance and Risk Management

Tax Assurance and Risk Management

Is tax increasingly on your Board’s agenda? Are you under pressure to demonstrate a clear vision for your tax operations and managing tax risk? Stakeholders may also be demanding that you demonstrate assurance over your tax activities and efficiencies in terms of how tax operates across your business.

You are almost certainly affected by tax risks created by increasingly complex tax compliance and regulatory requirements, increased focus by tax authorities as well as pressures from the wider business and a fast moving commercial environment.

We believe effective tax risk management does not need to be complex. You have to manage a number of interconnected moving parts in your tax risk management and governance; legal requirements, your relationship with HMRC, best practice and the demands of your stakeholders.

Nonetheless, a straightforward and holistic approach can demonstrably improve the effective identification, assessment and management of tax risk. Developing a strong tax control framework with good governance and risk management will create an environment of ‘no surprises’ in relation to how tax risk and compliance is managed globally. 

You can reap the benefits of our straightforward and effective approach. 

You will work with a partner-led team of technical experts who put providing pragmatic and commercial advice at the heart of what they deliver to you. We are a key member firm of the BDO international network. You will be able to access  international and local tax expertise and advice wherever you operate; we deliver global tax assurance to meet businesses’ needs. We have a presence in over 160 countries and in every major global financial and business centre.

You can be confident in the advice we provide in benchmarking or developing your tax control framework. Every member of our team has broad experience and expertise and will understand how their advice to you will impact on other elements of your tax risk management.

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Below you will find more information about how we can help you:

Tax Control framework

Your tax control framework provides the building blocks of how tax operates in the business. It is the structure that supports your tax risk management and underpins tax compliance. Use our Tax Control Framework Roadmap to reap all the benefits of coherent and effective tax risk management; getting it wrong may make meeting even minimal legal requirements prove challenging.

Managing tax risk

Your overall exposure to tax risks, your strategy, policies, control frameworks and governance will be given a thorough examination through online tax questionnaires, digital benchmarking tools and workshops. We will help you understand how to improve your approach to tax risk.


You can have total confidence that you are meeting your duties under the SAO regime. Find out more about how we can minimise your risk.


Develop the relationship you want to have with HMRC through BRR+ readiness.

Tax strategy

Are you new to the requirement to publish a tax strategy or have substantial changes to your business made an update necessary. Find out how we can help.


Ensure your organisation is fully compliant and that you have an adequate defence in place. This is no longer just a prosecution risk, but CCO compliance is becoming a commercial requirement as part of deals, debt financing and other transactions. We can help plan and implement your plan and help deliver the right training.

Responsible tax

Develop an approach to tax, tax transparency and responsible tax behaviours that aligns to your ESG agenda and enhances your corporate reputation.

Tax Automation & Innovation

Are you using technology to reduce your tax risks and optimise how your tax function works? Find out more about how we can help you implement the right tax technology tools and digital platforms that will make a difference to your tax risk.

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