Roger Buckley
Despite everything, we expect this will be another resilient year for Manufacturing M&A.
Our review of H1 2024 deal activity reveals a good and steady start to the year so far, with M&A activity matching H1 2023 volumes:
Market uncertainty, rising costs, labour shortages, and geopolitical tensions have weighed on sentiment for a while but there are signs this is changing. According to a Make UK/BDO survey reported earlier this year, one in four UK manufacturers are considering the sale of all or part of their business in the next couple of years, and 29% in the next three to five years. A further 38% of businesses surveyed are looking to make acquisitions in the next three to five years.
Coming into H1 2024, the headwinds continued, but as the outcome of the general election became clear, the markets became more positive and ready to transact. Inflation has continued to subside, interest rates have been cut for the first time since 2020, and stock market indices have risen, all of which have injected optimism to the M&A markets. We expect this momentum to continue, unless the UK Government decides to hit capital gains tax for entrepreneurs.
We speak to many buyers and investors with both cash and appetite. One in five manufacturers say they are likely to seek private equity investment in the next five years. Valuation expectations have converged more closely between buyers and sellers. Another year of post-Covid trading should also help to reassure buyers and encourage them to take advantage of the huge opportunities an acquisition can bring.
Digital transformation and the green transition remain high on the agenda, with sustainability now playing an integral role in every Industrials deal we see. Private equity (PE) still has huge quantities of cash to deploy, and opportunities in the capital markets could well open up.
Manufacturers and the M&A market have withstood a remarkable litany of economic or political shocks, and yet UK Manufacturing and Industrials businesses continue to trade, invest, evolve, advance and thrive.
M&A in the Manufacturing sector has been surprisingly resilient over recent years. Click through our detailed analysis to find out more.