Donor Funded Project Implementation and Delivery

For over 40 years, we have delivered multi-disciplinary, multi-year, multi-million-dollar technical assistance projects funded by a range of donors including the World Bank, the United Nations (UN), the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (the FCD0), the European Investment Bank (EIB), the African Development Bank, and the Asian Development Bank.

We have an extensive and successful track record of completing assignments in Africa, Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, the Middle East, Asia and the Caribbean. Many of the assignment involve delivering practical and sustainable solutions in fragile and conflict-affected states such as Afghanistan, Lebanon, Palestine, Somalia, Sudan and Ukraine.

Our core areas of expertise include:

Sustainable Economic Growth:

  • Medium and small enterprise (MSME) development
  • Investment promotion and foreign direct investment
  • Transaction facilitation
  • Women’s economic empowerment
  • Business development services
  • Access to finance
  • Value chain analysis and development
  • Cluster development
  • Market development (including Making Markets Work for the Poor)
  • Technical Vocational Educational Training

Governance & Public Financial Management

  • Public expenditure management and budget reform
  • Domestic revenue mobilisation
  • Macroeconomic forecasting and frameworks
  • Public sector audit and support to supreme audit institutions
  • Treasury systems and budget execution
  • Public procurement
  • Civil service reform

Aid Oversight

  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Third party monitoring
  • Fiduciary risk assessments
  • Statement of Expenditure reviews for donor funded programs

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