Economic Consulting

Economic Consulting

Our dedicated team of economic consultants will deliver clear and candid advice to guide your key commercial and strategic decisions. This can be in the context of your commercial strategy and operations or in the context of competition and disputes.

Our economic consultants have expertise and experience developed by working in leading economic consultancy firms, regulators and in industry. The team also leverage the deep industry knowledge and specialist technical skills that are available through our full range of accountancy services and BDO’s international network of partner firms that operates in over 160 countries.

Commercial advisory

We work together with our technical and corporate finance colleagues to enable better strategic and commercial decisions, enhance performance improvement initiatives, carry out due diligence on investment opportunities and improve customer value.

Regulatory advisory and disputes

We investigate and analyse regulated industries, assisting corporate clients and law firms in responding to various regulatory issues, including regulatory accounting and pricing. We help our clients to understand and quantify the impact of regulatory policies (such as price caps, cost orientation and regulated cost of capital) and breaches in that policy by regulated entities.

Competition economics

We support cartel investigations, estimate follow-on and stand-alone damages, assess evidence on market manipulation and act on excessive pricing matters. You can find out more here.

Commercial disputes

We to produce evidence, expert opinions and testimony on causation and quantum of loss in various contexts including due to alleged fraud, reputational effects from conduct, regulatory intervention, breach of contract and service interruption. Where this is beneficial we collaborate with our Forensic accountant colleagues.


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